
Still Have a Home For Sale in League City, Friendswood or Clear Lake TX ?

If you have a home that has been on the market in League City, Friendswood, or the Clear Lake area for a while or are about to list your home for sale. Instead of reducing the price, or starting out with a lower list price than you wanted to, think about the option of home staging.

Sure, you can probably clear the clutter, but staging goes further than that, alot further. We start with a home staging consultation, which is a thorough assessment of your house with a buyer's eye. After all the changes have been made and necessary repairs has been implemented, furniture and accessories will be brought in or your existing ones will be used and rearranged to enhance your homes features.

How much are you spending on mortgage payments, insurance, maintenance, taxes & HOA's? Not to mention the stress of owning two homes in a down market.

Give us a call today to find out what your options are. You may be surprised how home staging can help you be on your way to selling your home...no more payments and no more stress!